Have you experienced stressful, anxious, and signs of depression during our difficult Covid-19 Pandemic? If so, I wanted to share some easy solutions that have helped me. You need to take care of you, family, and others around you that need your help and support. Listed below are some methods that just might do the trick.
Physical Techniques
Use your five senses of sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch. Each of these are really important and you use them every day, including when you are sleeping. Your senses work together to let our brains know what is going on around us.
Put Your Hands in Water
Pay close attention to the temperature and how it feels on your fingertips, palms, and the backs of your hands. Does it feel the same in each part of your hand? First use warm water, then cold. Next, alternate by using cold then warm and do this a few different times. Does it feel different to switch from cold to warm water versus warm to cold?
Pick Up or Touch Items Near You
Are the things you touch soft or hard, heavy or light, warm, cool, or hot? Focus on the texture and color of each item. Force yourself to think of specific colors, instead of standard colors (like red or blue). Imagine the colors in shapes, stripes, or blended together like a tie-dye pattern.
Slowly inhale, then exhale. If it helps, you can say or think “in” and “out” with each breath. Feel each breath filling your lungs and how it feels to push it back out. How it makes your stomach and chest go up and down.
Savor a Food or Drink
Take small bites of food, small sips of a beverage that you enjoy. Allow yourself to fully taste each bite and the liquid. Think about how it tastes, smells, and the flavors that linger in your mouth and tongue.
Take a Short Walk
Concentrate on every step you take and count them. Pay attention of the sound and rhythm of your footsteps. How it feels to put your foot on the ground and then lift it again. Hold a piece of ice. What does it feel like at first? How long does it take to start melting? How does the sensation change when the ice begins to melt?
Smell and Savor a Scent
Is there a fragrance that appeals to you? This might be a cup of tea or coffee, an herb or spice, a favorite soap, or a scented candle. Inhale the fragrance slowly and deeply and try to realize and appreciate its qualities (sweet, spicy, sharp, etc.)
Move Your body
Do a few exercises and stretch your body. Try jumping up and down, jumping rope, jogging in place, or stretching different muscle groups one at a time. How does your body feel with each movement when your hands and feet touch the floor and move through the air?
Listen to Your Surroundings
Take a few minutes to listen to the noises around you. Do you hear birds or dogs barking? Construction or traffic? If you hear people talking, what are they saying? Do you recognize accents from different parts of the US, or other countries? Listen to the sound your computer makes, the sound of the steps walking up a staircase, or take notice if your refrigerator makes a noise.
Use Parts of Your Body to Help You
You can do this sitting or standing. Can you feel your hair on your shoulders or forehead? Glasses on your ears or nose? The weight of your shirt on your shoulders? Do your arms feel loose or stiff at your sides? Can you feel your heartbeat? Is it fast or steady? Does your stomach feel full, or are you hungry? Are your legs crossed, or are your feet resting on the floor? Is your back straight?
If you need to de-stress give these helpful techniques a try. I hope these exercise techniques work for you as they have helped me. A big thank you goes out to a former therapist I was getting care from that shared these methods with me.
Until next time, stay safe and well!