The Theme for the 2022 International Day of Persons with Disabilities Is:
“Transformative solutions for inclusive development: the role of innovation in fueling an accessible and equitable world “.
What is International Day of Persons with Disabilities?
The observance of this very important day aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights, and well-being of persons with disabilities.
International Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated on December 3rd and continues until the end of December. It is a day to help everyone become more compassionate and understanding of the challenges faced by people with disabilities. The day doesn’t discriminate between mental, physical, or invisible disabilities. The spirit of the day is to ensure that all people in the world have equal opportunities for work, play, health, success, and independence. People with disabilities can be and very often are contributing valued members of society, in the workplace, and during the entire month of December is all about appreciating them.
There is an estimated one billion people living with disabilities worldwide facing many barriers to inclusion in some areas of society. As a result, they do not enjoy access on an equal basis as others which includes areas such as transportation and employment but also social participation like politics or entertainment.
The 2022 global observance to commemorate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities will be around the all-embracing theme of innovation and transformative solutions for inclusive development, covering in three different interactive dialogues the following thematic topics:
1. Innovation for disability inclusive development in employment (SDG8): this dialogue will discuss the linkages between employment, knowledge and skills required to access employment in an innovative, rapidly changing technological landscape to all and how assistive technologies can increase accessibility to employment and be mainstreamed in the workplace.
2. Innovation for disability inclusive development in reducing inequality (SDG10): this dialogue will discuss innovations, practical tools, and good practices to reduce inequalities in both public and private sectors, which are disability inclusive and interested in promoting diversity in the workplace.
3. Innovation for disability inclusive development: sport as an exemplar case: a sector where all these aspects coalesce; sport as a good practice example and a site of innovation, employment, and equity.
Source of Information: Various Google Searches
Until Next Week, Stay Safe and Well!