Opening Statement:
I remember growing up during my school years as well as when I became of age to vote, my grandmother (my mom’s mother) telling me and being extremely forceful how important it was to vote in every election. She also said many times that I needed to pick a political party to vote in the primary elections because that election was the first step of voting for a candidate and the election process. One of the most interesting and strong suggestions my grandmother had for me was “Kaylee, don’t worry too much about the political party you choose to vote in the primary elections, just VOTE and VOTE every year.” The funniest thing she said to me was “Kaylee, you need to vote for the person that will do the most for you, your future family, and who I thought would do the least damage to MY CAUSES and to the COUNTRY!” So, with that statement being said to me countless times by her as well as my parents, I do just that. This Presidential election year in my opinion will be remembered for a very long time and not to be too political, I’m sure all reading this article can understand my feelings why! If you have a disability, your child, or have a family member that is disabled, it is extremely important that you vote to ensure ongoing various support and laws that protect the disabled community.
The Importance of Elections and to VOTE
· FACT…. Elections are the one thing that separates a “democracy” from a “dictatorship,” giving people the right to control their leaders and overthrow them without the need for a revolution. Election Day and to VOTE is a great way to show our appreciation for these rights that have been granted to us through the concept of democracy.
· FACT… Without the election process, a democracy cannot function. As citizens, we get the chance to appoint people who will direct affairs and make decisions on our behalf, decisions that would impact our lives and destinies.
· FACT… Voting is our duty, and we enjoy plenty of rights in a democracy. These rights are for our protection and wellbeing. But they go together with duties. To ensure the protection of our rights, we need to perform certain duties, one of which is voting.
· FACT… To ensure a better future, we should constantly strive for perfection. We have faced many issues in the past as a society, and the only way we were able to fix them was when we unanimously demanded change. Voting is the best way to demand that change. Therefore, you must vote every year to ensure a better future.
History of Elections
Our voting process and electors all started for the first U.S. presidential election on January 7, 1789. The Federal law permitted each state to choose Presidential electors any time within 34 days and send their electors to the Electoral College. As communications and transportation evolved, this became a problem since the states that voted earlier could influence states that voted later. To prevent this, Congress responded by mandating a uniform national date for choosing the electors. It was decided that the first Tuesday following the first Monday was chosen as Election Day for future presidents on January 23, 1845. This time was deemed suitable for elections as the harvest would have been over. Tuesday was convenient because voters could attend church on a Sunday and travel to their polling stations on Monday. This allowed the farmers to vote before Wednesday, which was usually when farmers would sell their produce at the market.
Ways to Vote In New Jersey
1. Vote By Mail Ballot
Registered voters can apply for a vote-by-mail ballot by following the instructions found at VOTE.NJ.GOV or contacting their County Clerk.
Then, VOTE and RETURN your ballot one of the following ways...
Mail: Your vote-by-mail ballot MUST be postmarked on or before 8:00 p.m. on Election Day and be received by your county’s Board of Elections on or before the sixth day after the close of the polls.
Secure Ballot Drop Box: Place your vote-by-mail ballot in one of your county’s secure ballot drop boxes by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. Drop box locations can be found at VOTE.NJ.GOV.
Board of Elections Office: Deliver your vote-by-mail ballot in person to your county’s Board of Elections Office by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. County Election Officials’ contact information can be found at VOTE.NJ.GOV.
2. In-Person Early Voting
This new option enables all registered voters to cast their ballot in person, using a voting machine, during in-person early voting period prior to Election Day. You can now choose to vote, in person, when it’s most convenient for your schedule.
No matter where you live in the county, you can vote your specific ballot at any of your county’s designated in-person early voting locations. Find your county’s locations at VOTE.NJ.GOV.
3. In-Person Early Voting for both the Primary Election and the General Election
Early voting locations will be open from at least 10 am to 8 pm on Mondays through Saturdays, and from at least 10 am to 6 pm on Sundays. No appointment is necessary.
Accommodations will be made for voters with disabilities.
General Election – October 26, 2024 – November 3, 2024
At Your Polling Place on Election Day
Vote in person at your polling place, from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.
Accommodations will be made for voters with disabilities.
Go to VOTE.NJ.GOV for your polling place, listed on the Polling Locations page.
General Election Day – November 5, 2024
NOTE: Your Vote-By-Mail ballot CANNOT be returned to your In-Person Early Voting Poll Location or your Election Day Poll Location.
Closing Statement:
If you haven’t done so already…. register to VOTE as soon as possible. If you need assistance with transportation to the voting polls, or to obtain a mail in ballot, plan now, don’t wait! Think about what is important to you, your causes, needs, and think about the next four years and years after that. Whatever your needs or causes may be for example: Taxes, Senior Citizen Needs/Rights, Social Security and continued future benefits, Medicare/Medicaid, Affordable Family Healthcare, Cost of Prescription Drugs, Disability Benefits, Disability Rights, Improvements for the Disabled Community, Education, Minimum wage, LGBTQ rights, Women’s rights, Reproductive rights, and much more! Now is the time to…stop wasting time talking about this and stop moaning and groaning about what you don’t like about this country or our candidates. Do your duty as an American and VOTE in this election and VOTE EVERY YEAR!
NOTE: Please feel free to contact Moceans’ Center for Independent Living for any questions or help you may have on how to vote, or help you may need to vote.
Source of Information: Various Google Searches, Personal Experiences, and Opinions
Until Next Week, Stay Safe and Well!