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02/27/2023 “Anosmia Awareness Day” By Kaylee McGrath

Since its launch in 2012, Anosmia Awareness Day has become an international event celebrated on February 27th. This important awareness day is joined by thousands of people around the world and supported by leading research centers, including the Monell Chemical Senses Center and advocacy organization Fifth Sense. February 27th has become an important day on the calendar for anosmics, support groups and research centers. Through Anosmia Awareness Day and its website,, there is a commitment to the mission of spreading awareness, encouraging research, and serving as a central hub, where anosmia resources are pooled and organized for the anosmia community, their supporters, researchers, and anyone wishing to learn more.

What is Anosmia?

· Anosmia is the partial or complete loss of the sense of smell. This loss may be temporary or permanent. Common conditions that irritate the nose’s lining, such as allergies or a cold, can lead to temporary anosmia.

· More serious conditions that affect the brain or nerves, such as brain tumors or head trauma, can cause permanent loss of smell. Old age sometimes causes anosmia.

Anosmia usually isn’t serious, but it can have a profound effect on a person’s quality of life.

· People with anosmia may not be able to fully taste foods and may lose interest in eating

· Can lead to weight loss or malnutrition

· Anosmia can also lead to depression because it may impair one’s ability to smell or taste pleasurable foods

What causes anosmia?

Anosmia is frequently caused by a swelling or blockage in the nose that prevents odors from getting to the top of the nose Anosmia is sometimes caused by a problem with the system that sends signals from the nose to the brain

Listed Below Are the Main Causes of Anosmia:

· Irritation to the mucus membranes lining the nose

This can result from:

· Sinus infections

· Common colds

· Smoking

· The flu, or influenza

· Allergies (allergic rhinitis)

· Chronic congestion not related to allergies (nonallergic rhinitis)

· A cold is the most common cause of partial and temporary loss of smell. In these cases, the anosmia will go away on its own

· Blockage of the nasal passages

Loss of smell can occur if something is physically blocking the passage of air into the nose.

This may include:

· Tumors

· Nasal polyps

· Bone deformities inside the nose or a nasal septum

· Brain or nerve damage

There are receptors inside the nose that send information through nerves to the brain. Anosmia can occur if any part of this pathway is damaged. There are many conditions that can cause this damage, including:

· Old age

· Alzheimer’s disease

· Brain tumors

· Huntington’s disease

· Hormonal problems

· Underactive thyroid

· Medications, including some antibiotics and high blood pressure medications

· Multiple sclerosis

· Parkinson’s disease

· Schizophrenia

· Epilepsy

· Diabetes

· Exposure to chemicals that burn the inside of your nose

· Brain or head injury

· Brain surgery

· Malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies

· Radiation therapy

· Long-term alcoholism

· Stroke

· In rare cases, people are born without a sense of smell due to a genetic condition. This is called congenital anosmia.

What are the complications of anosmia?

· People with anosmia may lose interest in food and eating, leading to malnutrition and weight loss

· People with anosmia should make sure to always have functioning smoke alarms in their homes

· People who have the condition should also be cautious with food storage and the use of natural gas because they may have trouble detecting spoiled foods and gas leaks

Source of Information: Various Google Searches

Until Next Week, Stay Safe and Well!

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