Opening Statement:
Mental health can be defined as a balance of emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It can affect our thoughts, feelings, and behavior. This year’s National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day is observed on May 9. It is a day to raise awareness of the importance of every child’s mental health. Mental health is a serious issue in modern societies. The mental health of children is even more important. According to the data from the C.D.C., one in six children between the ages of two and eight has a mental or behavioral disorder. I’m sure everyone can agree, children are the most precious thing in the world. Children with serious mental illness and severe emotional disturbance need full-time care and treatment. Even the family of such a child needs help to cope with the situation. This is a day to help them by encouraging them into therapy. Conditions like A.D.H.D. as well as anxiety, and behavioral disorders can be diagnosed and treated to help the child have a better life as well as their family and close loved ones.
History Of National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day
· During the Middle Ages, mental health conditions were not properly diagnosed or treated. Religious authorities considered people with mental diseases possessed.
· Now that we have developed a better understanding of mental conditions, we neither stigmatize mental illness nor go confining mentally ill people. In the fifth century B.C., Hippocrates contributed to this change. He tried to change the occupation and environment of the ill person and sometimes used certain substances as medicine.
· In 1909, Clifford Beers founded Mental Health America (M.H.A.). The organization sponsored research efforts to develop a better understanding of conditions. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (S.A.M.H.S.A.) hosted the first National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day in 2005.
There Are Many Factors That Affects a Child’s Mental Health:
Genetic conditions, neglect, domestic violence, substance abuse, parental mental health, etc.
Reasons Why Being Mentally Healthy Is Important:
1. To enjoy life
2. To create a positive impact on the people around you.
3. To respond well to any circumstances that could happen in life.
How To Observe National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day
· Help A Child
Help a child who suffers from mental health problems. Let him know that you are there to help and that he is not alone.
· Create Mental Health Check Campaigns
There are mental health conditions like A.D.H.D. and anxiety which children usually will not be aware of. Conduct a mental health check campaign to help people realize their status.
· Donate
There are a lot of Non-Government Organizations working for the welfare of children and their mental health. Arrange a fundraiser to help support these non-profits and their activities.
Closing Statement and Recap:
There are approximately 2.7 million depressed children and teenagers in the United States. Only eight in ten children receive treatment for depression and other mental illnesses. Childrens mental health is on the rise as anxiety and depression in children increased from 5.4% to 8.4% in 10 years and 50% of mental health problems are visible by the age of 14 years old. There is no greater cause than helping a child and saving them from suffering alone. This can protect them from living with any long-lasting crippling mental conditions. A mental health check is important for everyone, not just children. Some conditions can ruin the quality of life if not treated early. A mental health check could be life-changing. By celebrating this day, we are effectively raising awareness to make more people undergo treatment. The general support for children will also increase.
Source of Information: Various Google Searches
Until Next Week, Stay Safe and Well!