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2/25/2025 “Quiet Day – February 25, 2025” By Kaylee McGrath

Writer's picture: kmbreakstigkmbreakstig

Opening Statement:

As the name suggests, “Quiet Day” is about taking a pause and appreciating the sound of silence. Noise is everywhere. Whether it is on a train, bus, in a busy office, in a restaurant/pub, in the classroom, or even at home! Modern day life is definitely noisy.  It seems like there is simply no way out or to avoid noise. Being in the constant presence of noise can be overwhelming and it is important to take a break every once in a while. We know that quiet is good for both the body and the mind. Peace calms us down and helps us re-center ourselves. How I manage to have quiet time: I know for me I often, sit in a quite dark room and just chill for a few hours. I keep my phone on “do not disturb” and turn off my social media notifications. I also have earplugs that I use to make sure that I hear no sounds or very little outside noises.


History of Quiet Day

·       For the longest time, quietness has been a form of praying and meditating. Most religious sects advocate for quiet and the wonders it can do for one’s emotional and physical well-being. Our voices and active interaction with others have served to keep us spiritually silent and separated from the world around us, and in some odd ways from the very people we interact with every day. Quiet Day was established to remind us to slow down and give silence a chance.

·       In India and many other Asian countries, there are meditation retreats where time is spent in quiet contemplation sometimes for as long as 10 days. These are ‘vipassana’ retreats, a term meaning ‘to see things as they are.’ This is an ancient Buddhist practice that is popular even today. While Quiet Day is just one day, the principles included in these retreats can be applied to your daily life too.

·       Surrounding ourselves with peace and clarity can open our minds to new experiences and inspire us to lead more meaningful lives. Every day we are surrounded by the chatter of T.V., the radio, and our loved ones. Quiet Day is the day to engage in a little quiet contemplation, give our vocal cords a rest, and simply listen to the world around us and connect with it. On this day, take a little time off for yourself and listen to the wise voice inside your head.


·       Why Do We Need Quiet Days?

As adults, we need the maternal part of ourselves to step in and prescribe slower, quieter days and to rescue us from the oppressive ideal of a busy life, which can be very exhausting.

·       How Can I Be Quiet for A Day?

Try to stay silent for an entire day to get better at listening before you speak. Stay silent to learn to think things through. When you face a problem, it’s beneficial to first reflect in silence before acting. That way, you can fully assess the situation and then make an intelligent, useful move.

·       How Can I Get Some Quiet Time?

Plan for it. Make it a priority. Teach the people you live with about quiet time and create at least one daily ritual that promotes quiet.


Quiet Day Activities

·       Spend Some Time in Quietness

Head out to a park or walk among the trees to experience a few moments of quiet. This is a great way to celebrate Quiet Day.

·       Lower The Volumes

If you cannot spend a day in complete silence, try lowering the volume on your devices. Put your cell phone on silent, listen to music at a low volume, and speak as infrequently as you can.

·       Meditate

Spend some time meditating on Quiet Day. If you cannot visit a vipassana retreat, bring the retreat to you!

Closing Statement and Information Concerning “Quiet People”:

And now to discuss “Quiet People” …Quiet people can be creative, and passionate about creating different things and have a rich inner life. Being silent gives the brain a chance to wonder and reflect. Another important this is…being quiet doesn’t mean you are shy. Shyness is a learned behavioral problem that makes it difficult to socialize. Quiet people are observant and have a natural thirst for knowledge. Quiet Day is actually good for everyone. Peace is good for our mental and physical well-being. It can help calm you down, manage stress, and induce a feeling of positivity. Quite Day is meant to reconnect with oneself and allows us to block all the unnecessary noise and connect with our inner selves. It’s a day for self-examination. It’s a day to recenter If you have been feeling agitated and restless for a while, Quiet Day can help you recenter and find your purpose again. Let us all try and see what we can do on this day to recenter.


Source of Information: Various Google Searches, Personal Experiences and Comments


Until Next Week, Stay Safe and Well!



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