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8/26/2024 Can Foods Help You Stay Hydrated? By Kaylee McGrath

Opening Statement:

Summer is still around and will be relished by most for the next few weeks. As you hit the beach and enjoy other summer activities for these last chances to participate in favorite summer activities, it is important to keep hydration in mind. But it’s not just liquids that can keep you hydrated, certain foods help as well. In this article I wanted to share what many dietitians have recommended for various ways to stay hydrated with foods.


·         Why Is Hydration Important:

Hydration is key to brain health and function It is also beneficial for skin health and can help you lose and manage your weight. Liquids like water are low-calorie and high-volume, so they fill you up.

·         Why Are Hydrating Foods Important:

Foods that can hydrate bring the added benefit of extra nutrients, such as vitamins and fiber.

·         Most people lack fiber in their diet:

Hydrating food can help you get that needed fiber, which can help lower cholesterol, balance blood sugar, and help you stay full. Hydrating foods also come without the extra sugar you typically find in sports drinks.


The Best Foods for Hydrate Are:

·         Cucumbers

·         Watermelons

·         Strawberries

·         Lettuce

·         Oranges

·         Grapefruits


Along with water content, dietitians recommend that everyone needs electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, and magnesium to help you retain that specific water.

There are several foods that supply electrolytes, including:

·         Celery

·         Spinach

·         Almonds

·         Salmon

Remember, as you head out to enjoy these last few weeks of summer, consider swapping out the chips, artificial fruit snacks, sports drinks, soda, and various flavored lemonade for a combination of hydrating and electrolyte foods.


How Much Water Do You Need, And How Can You Get More?

·         While the exact amount of hydration you need is based on your height and weight, 64 ounces (8 glasses per day) is a standard number to aim for

·         If you are outside moving and sweating, increase that amount by 16 ounces per day

·         Infusing your water with cucumbers or strawberries is a great way to enhance water’s flavor and entice you to drink the recommended amount. But it should be noted that while these ingredients increase flavor, they don’t increase the water’s nutritional value

·         Those vitamins and extra fiber only come from eating the food itself


Closing Statement:

As you go outside for exercise and fun in the sun, think twice before you grab that sports drink. That extra sugar consumption can negatively impact your overall health and diet. While those drinks can be ideal if you’re strenuously exercising or running a marathon, you don’t need them for a regular walk.


Source of Information: Various Google Searches and Printed Marketing


Until Next Week, Stay Safe and Well!

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